Posted on 22 September 2021
The Lancang-Mekong Investment Seminar in Myanmar was held virtually from 21 to 22 September, 2021 by the Lancang – Mekong Special Fund (2020) with the aim of sharing good practices and enhancing knowledge on the investment related policies and regulations, discussing the investment policy measures to respond the challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic and promoting the regional investment among the Lancang – Mekong member countries: China, Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
At the Seminar, U Thant Sin Lwin, Director General for the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, U Win Zeyar Tun, Vice Chairman of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation National Coordination Unit (Myanmar) and Deputy Director General of the International Organization and Economic Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Tan Shufu, Economic & Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Myanmar gave the opening remarks respectively.
On the first day of the Seminar, the speakers from the Lancang-Mekong member countries presented the country profiles based on the investment related policy measures and prioritized investment sectors in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic and post COVID-19 Era.
The Panel Discussion as the second day of the Seminar was led by Mr. Sophal Suon, Director of Public Relations and Promotion of Private Investment at the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Ms. Fan Yiyi, Third Secretary, Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, U Min Zaw Oo, Deputy Director General at Directorate of Investment and Company Administration under Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, Mr. Kouthong Sommala, Director of Asia-Pacific and Africa Division at the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Laos PDR, Ms. Prewprae Chumrum, Executive Director of Bureau of Trade in Services and Investment Negotiations at Department of Trade Negotiations under Ministry of Commerce, Thailand and Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, Senior Official of Investment Promotion Division at Foreign Investment Agency (FIA), Vietnam. The importance of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) investment in the region, link to ASEAN agreements and RCEP agreement, and policy recommendations based on the key points: integrating/linking in-country investment promotion policy implications of LMC member countries to the enhancement of regional cooperation; recognizing prioritized sectors; coordinating cooperation mechanisms, and exploring current and potential trends in the Post-COVID Era were made the deep dive discussion based on the country presentation with the aim of improving better economic development and cooperation among Lancang-Mekong member countries.
The Seminar was attended by a total of 70 participants from the Lancang-Mekong member countries and officials from the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration.
The Lancang – Mekong Investment Seminar was hosted by Myanmar and it was the first seminar for investment promotion among the member countries. It aims at not only enhancing the investment promotion and job creation of the region but also contributing to a community of shared future of peace and prosperity among Lancang-Mekong Countries.